

Incredibly, this is all I can say to you, that billions of gamers are part of a virtual goods economy, a market worth $ 15 billion + per year. We can see the fact that games like Candy Crush Saga have contributed as digital goods with tariffs of more than $ 2 million USD every day. Wow!
The world of online games and social media space continues to grow rapidly, here there are untapped opportunities for digital platforms such as video games, social networking and messaging services to enhance their product offerings by collaborating with brands to produce branded virtual goods.
BLMP ( Blockchain Licensing Market Place ) is a great place to create a global brand collaboration network and a broad digital platform to facilitate the licensing process. BLMP is uniquely positioned for growth due to relationships with established license companies such as Evolution and BDLabs with a combined total of more than 1,000+ clients, partners, properties, and brands.
Each time a brand or a digital platform joins a BLMP network, all of their fans or users can participate in the network as well. Rapid analysis on Dapradar can indicate blockchain communities that are very far from the mainstream consumer adoption and one of the major components missing is business adoption. Imagine a future in which customers can use the same crypto token on all participating digital platforms to purchase virtual goods. To purchase virtual goods, the customer simply creates a new one-time account and then has access to the account in all participating participating digital BLMP platforms. This customer's account will be secure and settings without the need for customers to fully understand the crypto wallet. Not only does this show exponential adoption and great benefits for the entire blockchain community, it also shows that BLMP is developing what is potentially the most widely used application in Ethereum.


Digital platforms such as video games, social networks and messaging services are experiencing explosive growth which presents new opportunities, strategies, and challenges for monetization. Due to the fact that consumers of digital platforms typically expect to get their services for free, there has been a transition to a freemium economy that has forced companies to rely upon selling user data or annoying third party advertising. The best way to monetize these digital platforms is to find creative ways to sell products to its users.
One of the most profitable forms of selling products is selling virtual goods. Virtual goods are items that only exist within the scope of the digital platform and do not actually exist in the physical world. Virtual goods are highly profitable because essentially they are intellectual property and do not have the higher costs associated with real world manufacturing, labor, and distribution. Additionally, virtual goods are not restricted by borders and have no physical limits on fulfillment.
Most importantly, creating a branded virtual good for sale only has a one-time cost but unlimited distribution so profits can scale indefinitely.

What is BLMP

BLMP ( Blockchain Licensing Marketplace ) is a B2B2C blockchain company processing B2B2C transactions and providing value through efficiency, traceability, and security. BLMP is pioneering licensed virtual goods and the mission of BLMP is to connect the intellectual property licensing industry with digital platforms. BLMP leverages crypto-token technology built on blockchain as a means to very easily produce and exchange liquid value in digital ecosystems.
Currently, the licensing industry is archaic, fragmented, and has low accessibility. Digital platforms operate in closed off silos and are stuck in a never ending loop of customer acquisition and retention. BLMP reduces friction and leverages blockchain technology to create a unique collaboration network where short term licenses can be created and enforced on the blockchain.
These short term collaboration licenses enable digital platforms to offer a limited quantity of licensed virtual goods for sale. Secondly, BLMP uses blockchain technology to manage the production and fulfillment of these virtual good items. BLMP covers the entire virtual goods supply chain including the creation, tokenization, and provenance of these licensed virtual goods items.
Finally, BLMP processes the end consumer transactions for the virtual goods items ensuring that all parties involved are automatically compensated tractably, securely, and efficiently.


BLMP has a partnership with :
  • Ambisafe, one of the world’s leading crypto software experts.
    Ambisafe currently specializes in the issuance of Ethereum-based financial instruments, custom blockchain solutions, and ICO related services. BLMP works closely with Ambisafe to develop and improve the Air platform, develop the proprietary EPIK wallet, and to handle the ICO process such as whitelist, registration, and token issuance to provide
    the best possible security on the market for our Purchasers
  • BD Labs for both brand adoption and digital platform adoption.
    BD Labs is a global professional business development company specializing in the entertainment, digital, and games space. BD Labs has a long history in the entertainment, licensing, and games industry and is affiliated with many key licensing industry leaders, such as their advisor Gary Caplan known as “The Godfather of Licensing”.


  • There is little doubt about the current and future growth of apps, video games, esports, social networks and messaging services because increased time is being spent online versus offline. The human population is experiencing a transition between the physical world and newly created digital worlds and all of these digital ecosystems have
    one thing in common which is virtual goods are for sale. These virtual goods don’t physically exist in real life and are contained within digital worlds but these items have meaning to consumers because that is where they are spending most of their time.
  • The problem with creating a thriving, branded virtual goods marketplace is fragmentation. Today, digital platforms operate as closed-off ecosystems and brands are fragmented operating in silos with little accessibility.. Additionally, when considering licensing agreements, each brand juggles considerably different brand objectives such as geographical location, demographics, licensing fees, marketing power, and attractiveness.


  • The ideal solution is to create a platform that empowers customers and gives them the ability to purchase licensed virtual goods online for the same reasons that they make purchases in real life which is to establish status, identity, membership, class and performance.
  • Additionally, the ideal solution should be able to also facilitate the customer transactions when customers purchase the items to ensure fair compensation between the IP holders and digital platforms involved in creating the item. As the items are sold, the profits should automatically be split based upon predetermined licensing agreements. Such an ideal solution would expect to create explosive growth in the virtual goods industry. Currently, BLMP believes there is too much friction surrounding deals between brands and digital platforms in the form of inefficient processes, legal paperwork, trust, accountability, and transparency.
  • BLMP (Blockchain Licensing Marketplace) is a blockchain technology company solving this very complex B2B2C (Business to Business To Customers ) problem by enabling all parties involved to have complete trust within the BLMP network. BLMP is developing the world’s first B2B2C virtual goods marketplace that covers the virtual goods retail supply chain including the creation, tokenization, and provenance of licensed virtual goods.


By joining the BLMP network, brands can scale and expand their reach with better control over their partnerships while gaining granular insights that were previously impossible because of the lack of transaction transparency and traceability. BLMP intends to develop a network where brands can easily follow their intellectual property indefinitely on the blockchain all the way from product creation to eventual ownership to resale markets.
Digital Platforms
For digital platforms, joining BLMP means keeping total creative freedom over their digital ecosystem with no restrictive or long-term licensing contracts. Digital platforms can pick and choose and only propose licensed virtual goods that they determine would be the right fit for their digital ecosystem. With this flexibility, digital platforms can expect to keep their existing revenues, get help with user retention, and gain additional income from licensed products for sale whenever they choose.
Customers benefit from companies joining the BLMP network because adoption becomes simple as they only need to manage one account which can be created within the digital platform of their choice without the need to fully understand crypto wallets. Customers can choose their favorite digital platform to create their account and then have access to that account across all other participating digital platforms. But more importantly, customers benefit because they get the freedom to purchase the things that they already love, everywhere.


EPIK tokens are ERC-20 utility tokens that are integral to the Air system and perform several functions in both B2B and B2B2C contexts :
  1. A nominal amount of EPIK tokens are spent for the service of creating a proposal between brands and digital platforms.
  2. Act as a medium of exchange to transact and process changes in ownership of virtual goods
  3. Act as a medium of exchange to transact customer purchases of virtual good items
  4. Act as a medium of exchange to transact customer purchases of virtual good items
  5. Can give users a discount off of their purchases ( example 50% discount on a collectible item purchase monthly )
  6. Can give users preferred or special access to virtual goods (ex. luxury items)
  7. Epik tokens consumed for creating item proposals are burned quarterly ( starting at 75% ).
    BLMP will also burn 20% of all profits every quarter.
The EPIK utility token will be used to facilitate the creation, distribution, and sale of licensed virtual goods. By leveraging the technology of blockchain, brands will be able to distribute their virtual goods through a network of virtual economies with digital platforms acting as retailers. By using the EPIK token for transactions, we intend to enable brands, digital platforms, and consumers to track every purchased licensed virtual good indefinitely with full transparency. This establishes uniform trust between all parties involved. Once both the brand and the digital platform come to agreement, smart contracts are created to automatically manage the creation, tokenization, distribution, and transactions of these virtual goods items between all parties.


EPIK wallets are proprietary software wallets used to manage both ERC-20 EPIK tokens and ERC-721 tokens that each represent a unique licensed virtual good item. EPIK wallets are compatible with any other ERC- 20 and ERC-721 tokens which means it can hold and transfer in and out any ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens. EPIK wallets are very secure in the sense that only the users know their own private key.






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