CryptoLancers ecosystem uses distributed computing to solve
transactions problems of online payment services, inherent in existing
systems, in a single distributed peer-to-peer platform. Decentralized
blockchain technology and smart contracts facilitate customers’ payment
of project on a trust-agnostic platform, oering a greatly reduced risk
of fraud and no counterparty risk. By investing, CryptoLancers allows
platform publishers to assign tasks to the aected character.
CryptoLancers provides several services in one platform using a fully
distributed network and a very secure payment method.
decades, freelance platforms have struggled to find the balance between
the needs of the customer and the demands of freelancer developers,
while server operators are stuck in the middle.
“The world is changing more and more, We are leading this change”
and freelancer are constantly searching through title after title of a
rushed-to-market website before they finally find a platform that fits
their requirement that is high enough services where they want to find
cost of developing a project is sometimes high, and if the project’s
developers do not meet the needs of the client, it can often lead to
expensive and sometimes disastrous results. The creators of independent
projects are more directly aected by a lack of funding or a late
payment hence the need to find ways to provide money instantly for the
infrastructure needed to run their projects on line.
are constantly looking to integrate their project into servers, host
the website and even find a domain name, and all this without forgetting
the cost for each project. The industry is struggling to find a better
solution for freelance projects and the real interaction between
customers and freelancers.
Freelance economy
freelance economy, also known as the gig economy, revolves around
hiring self-employed workers to undertake specific jobs in return for an
agreement upon payment. Freelancers are the individuals who make
themselves available to be hired for such temporary work. They may find
jobs through classified ads or through temporary staffing agencies.
freelance economy diers from the sharing economy which is an economic
model primarily characterized by peer-to-peer acquisition and provision
of goods and services, often facilitated by an online platform in
various fields as varied as commercial design, hotel management (through
Airbnb) and taxi driving (through ridesharing apps like Lyft and Uber).
CryptoLancers Solution
- What do freelancers want ?
workers present a special challenge in terms of the collective labor
organization. As an individualistic and highly dispersed workforce, they
face several obstacles that prevent them from carrying out their duties
to the fullest. Almost 50% of freelancers and self-employed workers
report that they have systematic problems in obtaining their payments
within the agreed time frame. The freelancers want a quick payment and
with the maximum of security against the refund. They want to have the
exact sum of the money designated in the contract without any charge
after getting the payment that has received.
CryptoLancers makes it easy to pay and fast to receive
- What do clients want ?
to the diversity of the oer request, clients want the best oer that
meets their expectations in terms of quality, price and time of
completion. They want a help to set expectations that fits their
projects. They also want the total satisfaction of the result obtained
at the end of the contract or the total outflow in the opposite case.
The security of their projects is one of the essential requirements, for
this, the follow-up of the work carried out is a primordial task.
Clients want quality servers and to be able to exchange easily and
cheaply throughout the market without getting ripped o. But most of
all, they just want to find everything in one secure platform!
offers the best service that meets the client's objectives and issues
with the least expense and the best timing possible
- What do traders want ?
and their companies want above all to benefit from their investment.
They want to promote loyalty to their tokens by acquiring and retaining
them for the long term and attracting the greatest titles, subscriptions
and freelance content. They want to limit their exposure to risk as
much as possible. Traders also want to know that their money and eorts
are not going to waste, and if there was a way for them to get paid for
it, all the better!
CryptoLancers offers market stability and seeks to ensure profit for its investors
- What we want to give to all of you ?
the needs of the freelancers in terms of the fastness of payment, the
needs of the clients in terms of the quality of the obtained services,
and the needs of the traders in terms of the desired profit are the
major challenge to take into account.
Our unified CryptoLancers platform provides a solution for everyone
CryptoLancers Market Advantages
- Cryptocurrency Payments for International Projects.
- Decentralized Ethereum based platform driven by Smart Contracts.
- Lower development cost in the market with the high quality and no additional charges or fees.
- Full Escrow between the client and the freelancer and the intervention to solve the dispute when necessary.
- The ability for the client to find the right freelancer for their development work.
- Immediate payment for completed freelancing projects.
- Live support and live specialist agents to help the client with any issues, questions, and advice them to find the best services for their project's requirement.
- Payments are made directly between the freelancer and clients.
- Builds a reputation for the full work of freelancers.
- Open source and open statistics.
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My Bitcointalk Profil : donhendryk
My Bitcointalk Profil : donhendryk