Founding Story
“I have been an investor in cryptocurrency for many years now,
through the huge rise and recent fall of values. I asked myself how I
could find a way to avoid the volatility of the markets by investing in
income-producing real estate. Unfortunately, I did not see an option
available at the time.
This was around the same time I was invited to speak about
cryptocurrency and its influence on the global economy at SLUSH
Conference in Singapore. After my presentation, I began interacting with
attendees living in Singapore and surrounding Asian countries. Many of
the attendees I spoke with voiced their similar concerns with the
volatility of the crypto markets and were looking for a safe place to
invest their crypto. Coming from a cryptocurrency, real estate and
crowdfunding background, I immediately saw huge potential to combine all
three of these aspects.
However, when I brought up this new model, a new concern arose.
Investors were concerned about the lack of liquidity in the real estate
markets. With the typical real estate investment having a hold period of
many years, our team figured out how the blockchain could fix this lack
of liquidity by allowing investors to sell their ownership stake in a
specific property with the push of a button through our platform; thus
creating a liquid real estate market.
We launched RealtyReturns.io
to help overseas investors and others avoid the volatility of the
markets by securing their money in income generating properties and
providing instant liquidity not previously offered by real estate. ” – Manny Fernandez, Co-Founder, CEO

What is RealtyReturn?
RealtyReturns is building a security token with a decentralized
compliance protocol to create an industry standard for how asset-based
tokens are issued and traded on the blockchain. The Returns Token is an
open-source ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain. What we are
building is a complians way that asset-backed tokens can be traded on
any ERC-20 platform.
- International real investors want to own American real estate but are faced with significant barriers to entering the market.
- Cryptocurrency owners seek creddible opportunities to receive stable income to blockchain invesment backed by real assets.
- Real estate is liquid and capital intensive.
- The blockchain is global, and our platform leverages that strength to provide opportunities for investors to participate in real estate investment across borders.
- Our tokens allow buyers to capture a proportional share of the income produced by real assets, as well as any sale profits.
- Our system is built on a proven crowdfunding model based on our founders experience and success in the real estate crowdfunding space. We pool smaller investors, giving each participant to ability to invest a small basis to own fractional shares of each property. Our Return token will be transferable on exchanges, so investors will have the option to exit their invesment positions.
RealtyReturns Business model
This platform utilizes decentralized blockchain technology that will
reduce the current system problem like there is no need for middleman,
complex auditing system and it will reduce long settlement time. The
RealtyReturns has a scalable and transparent business model in which
buyer invest in property; it will charge 3% of the security token
Why we use RealtyReturns
We are living in the digital era where transparency and trust are
more important for long-lasting success. The blockchain based
RealtyReturns platform allows its customers for decentralized trading
across any ecosystem that supports ERC-20 tokens. This platform will
allow you to increases your liquidity, and this platform is helping
people by allowing global access to real estate and accumulates wealth
through the blockchain model. With the help of our online platform,
people from all over the world will be allowed to invest in real estate
and take the benefit of income generation in a more secure and
transparent way.
We will allow our customers to exchange our tokens with physical real
estate and allow investors to sell their interest in a property on a
listed token exchange. We will provide you liquidity in the real estate
markets as cryptocurrency market is very volatile and many investors are
looking to secure their crypto options. The RealtyReturns ecosystem provides a reliable option for many trader and investor and reducing the risk of illiquidity in the market.
Uses of RealtyReturns Tokens
Our platform will issue two types of tokens namely Access tokens and Reality tokens.
- Access Tokens: This token enable dividend payment in ETH cryptocurrency and return token must be held by the same account. This is known for a membership token and is designed to support our members’ without charging a transaction fee. This token can be sold or transferred to other members and it will be offered as a part of the pre-ICO, and it is a limited edition of an ERC-20 token.
- Return Tokens: Our token is basically backed by the physical real estate market. Each return token is connected to a specific property and can be sold on a security token exchange for liquidity. The type of this token is ERC-20 and the price in ICO of 1 RRT=0.00012 ETH.
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