Humancoin is an innovative block project that brings together philanthropists and recipients on a single platform in the most convenient and transparent way. Donors (consisting of three people from all over the world) can quickly donate around the world, monitor online spending and get discounts from platform partners. Charitable projects can receive funds with minimal operating expenses and in short terms in convenient currency. Humancoin is a revolutionary platform that transforms the philanthropy industry into a benefit that is specifically designed to work together with the e-commerce market and the cryptocurrency, which together have a total value of 3.5 trillion dollars.

Almost every day on television we can see different catastrophic events all over the world. People are losing homes in fires and floods, earthquakes tearing down whole cities. In these situations people are self-organizing trough communities and helping in goods or money with collected donations.Major problem with this kind of system is the lack of time to self-organize and help someone without breaking the law that is different in almost every state on this planet. To send someone the aid either in money or goods you must take care of different papers so people usually get discouraged because of their own problems and lack of time to go through the complete process.

Humancoin tokens can be easily converted to any other tokens, miles, bonuses, coupons. Token holders will be encouraged to hold them to take advantage of attractive benefits and this ensures long-term stable demand. As the number of partners and the scale of cooperation in the Humancoin network grows, the token’s popularity grows.

This is the first blockchain project in history that can become a global aggregator of e-Commerce loyalty programs. Association with philanthropy gives tokens a unique advantage in developing loyalty programs with partners that create a strong emotional resonance Instead of competing with existing programs, the Humancoin token easily integrates into existing systems – all that is required is setting the conversion rate.

The benefits of using this platform are enormous. First, it helps resolve trust issues by ensuring security, traceability, and transparency. Also, it eliminates the long charity chain and the middlemen involved in the transactions. This includes; NGOs, Banks, Law Firms and State Bodies. Importantly, Philanthropists are the biggest winner and they tend to benefit massively from this platform. It enables them to monitor the transaction and the recipients of grants are only able to expend the resources on worthwhile projects after meeting mandatory conditions.

As a donor you will first need to register your account on the platform and enter all required information, which is something that has to be done from legal standpoint. After that, it is your choice if you want to stay anonymous or recognised by full name in every project you get involved as a donor.Also information you are about to enter into the platform will be used in your benefit for creating and receiving tax deduction documents.

Why own Humancoin
The Humancoin tokens can be easily convertible into any points, miles, bonuses, coupons. Token owners will be incentivized to hold them to take advantage of attractive benefits and this provides a long-term, stable demand for tokens.
As the number of partners and the scope of cooperation within the Humancoin Network grows, so does the popularity of the token.
The Proof of Charity “mining” concept allows the project to scale hundreds and thousands of times.

Unique features of Humancoin This is the first ever blockchain project that has the potential to become a global e-commerce loyalty program aggregator.
Association with philanthropy gives its tokens a unique advantage in developing loyalty programs with partners creating a strong emotional resonance.
Instead of competing with existing programs, the Humancoin token is effortlessly integrated into already existing systems — all it requires is setting a conversion rate.

Current Token Sales
3.055 billion ERC20 humancoins available
All unsold tokens will be burnt
The price of one token is 0.01 US dollar.
Minimum Purchase-0.1 ETH

July 1-August 15
Expected to receive 1 mln. Usd. United States

Current sales
September 15-November 1
Softcap-6 million dollars
Hardcap-26 million dollars
Sales bonus for sale 3 055 000 000
Presale: 50% bonus-150 000 000
Token sale Stage 1:35% bonus-945 000 000
Current sale. Phase 2:20% bonus-960 000 000
Token Sale Stage 3: Bonus 0%-1 000 000 000

Token distribution
3 055 million-for sale
1 000 mln. -Partnership Development Fund
600 million-team award 50% blocked by a smart contract for 6 months.
50% blocked for 12 months
600 million-counsellors and ambassadors
500 million-consultant and exchange
245 million-Bounty program, antenna and direction
The funds collected in Token Sale determine the financial strategy of the company and will be directed to the development of the project in Q4 2018-2019. Maintenance of current activity of Humancoin will be financed by 5% of fund raising for charitable project.

Humancoin Road Map
2017-Q1 2018
Development of Project Ideas
Formation of major groups and initial support groups
Consultations with charitable communities and experts on loyalty gifts
Final team formation
Q2 2018
Start social media and PR campaigns
Preparing for a sales token
Q3 2018
Current sales
Platform development and team expansion
Early negotiations with programme partners
Final agreement with the charitable foundation
Q4 2018
Completing the sales token and listing on Kriptoobmenah
Launch of the charity platform in Beta
Conclusion with
E-commerce partners complete the formation of legal structures
Q1-Q2 2019
Starting the Platform
Fundraising for philanthropy and the distribution of tokens to donors for further development of the platform
Q3-Q4 2019
Full Platform functionality
List extension
E-commerce Partners
Expanding the list of charitable funds.

Giles Gejler-General manager
Kate Bagel-CMO
Aravinda Babu-Expert on Blockchain and intellectual contract
Kai Sjaj-Senior software engineer
Daniel Maksimkin-Head of digital analysis
Nathan van de Ven-head of community and project
Elena Tarasova-Manager SMM
Paul Cliff
Marcus Campbell
Dr. Jay (Jangwoo) Lee
Reinhard Berger
Kent Yang
Marco Calicchia

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