Mix.Rent is available in the US, Canada, Mexico and Russia. In the near future, this platform will be presented in the Australian and Brazilian markets. Blockchain technology and our dedicated tags significantly improve the reliability of transactions, simplify payments between transaction objects and redefine trust between owners and tenants.
We are not just an average project in this space. Mission Mix.Rent is to become the world's leading supplier of vehicle leasing, creating a quality service for our customers and managing a business model that allows you to increase sales. Unlimited code leader MIX.
We are going to ICO with the goal of turning the business into a decentralized platform and reducing the time and costs of renting all our users, which will help us to rapidly expand our business. business.

Mix.Rent solution
Because of its current organization in the rental market, there are some problems. The technology provided by Mix.Rent will facilitate access to this market for small companies and car owners and will enable them to earn money from their existing unused assets.
The biggest advantage of blockchain technology is that it solves the problem of the industry as a low level of trust among market participants.
What the tenant receives:
1) Decision to ensure repayment of deposits under reasonable contracts
The platform will block the deposit and automatically return it if there are no problems with hiring. If there is a problem, the dispute is open, and the platform administrator intervenes. To solve such problems, the Mix.Rent platform provides a system of intellectual contracts that will help you to earn money safely; MIX Tokens will help customers with the need to provide their bank details.
2) Reduction of fees and faster processing of transactions using electronic payments
Using the MIX code, you can avoid problems with several currency conversion options and processing long payments; The token will reduce the charge and improve the service for the customer.
3) The ability to select a particular vehicle from the detailed information available on the platform
Since owners create profiles for each particular vehicle, and not just describe the class, customers can receive verified information about each vehicle and its condition and view the actual photographs.
4) The possibility of renting various cars around the world on one platform
Since there are many cars available on the same single website from around the world, customers can plan different combinations of rental cars and places to travel.
What does the owner get?
A convenient platform for earning a rental income
Owners no longer need to create websites and mobile applications to start earning rental income. By filling just a few fields of information and images in an intuitive interface, you can quickly start making money, even if you only have a car.
Effective tools for attracting customers
Rent companies should not spend money on expensive marketing campaigns to work through Mix.Rent. Just list the information about your car on the platform. Mix.Rent not only simplifies the work for current market players, but also gives the user the opportunity to attract more customers with less money.
System rating makes the owner more reliable
Thanks to a unified rating system and rating, rental companies are becoming more reliable in the minds of customers. Customers are less afraid of losing their personal data for small companies.
The rating refers more to the reliability of tenants
Estimates of tenants are designed to help owners learn more about their customers. For the first time the owner is provided with the experience of renting and residing of the tenant, as well as the lease history, ratings and reviews of the previous owner. This option helps car owners to show more confidence and provide individual options to their customers on the basis of their rank.
All this will reduce the rent in the market and develop faster than the model with a common economy.
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