The V-ID is developed by WIDIDI. Since 2008, WIDIDI has been using its constantly developed M16 platforms to execute software projects for its customer base. WIDIDI specializes in secure environments, connections and communications.
Compared with WIDIDI regular large-scale projects, V-ID is a unique and scalable service.Therefore, the optimal extension of V-ID as a service requires a different approach. One of the milestones in 2018 will be the creation of V-ID as a separate organization in the form of a fund.
will be generated through the large-scale sale of tokens to accelerate
the development of the V-ID platform, and to facilitate marketing
the next 3 years, V-ID will become the leader in the market for
protection against file fraud, as SSL has become in the field of secure
Internet connection.
After a private sale, funding will be allocated for a marketing campaign to promote the sale of tokens.
Utility Token offers specific added value in identifying issuing
organizations, saving digital fingerprints in a smart contract and
processing payments for verification.
Technical development of V-ID focuses on the widespread use of Fail-safe to prevent fraud.
As the society continues the process of digitalization, new types of digital crime are emerging. The mass media daily report incidents such as data leakage, personal data fraud, forgery of documents and fake news.
One particular new technology can provide a breakthrough in dealing with these criminal side effects. This technology - blockade, has the potential to become one of the most important technological pillars of the modern world.
What was the standard mode of operation up to V-ID? Just
as it is now difficult to imagine what the world was like before the
advent of the Internet, we believe that VID will become a universally
accepted and widely used element of the modern digital society.
V-ID will be used by any organization that wants to protect its digital files from fraud in a secure way. Compare how certified SSL connections are currently used for websites.
At a later stage, V-ID can focus on online identification and analysis of both individuals and companies.
SWOT Analysis
- Unique product
- A simple and scalable concept
- Widely applicable
- Proven Usage Option
- Active initial user base
- Sufficient liquidity
- Strong team
- Proven software platform
- Fund (10 years + in development, approx 100 000 users)
- Power
- Obsolete projects (existing contracts)
- Limited marketing budget
- The Giant Market
- Different Sectors
- Commonly applicable
- Block is still a new and noisy term
- The first signs of competition
- The probability of bad news about the blockade as a whole
- Perception of complexity
- The speed of acceptance is unpredictable
Distribution of tokens
service token V-ID is an ERC20 token that is used to identify purse
addresses (for issuers / checking parties) and is used as payment for
platform can be used online (the human interface) and the number of
applications, SOAP and REST API Interfaces will grow to form the final
secure bridge for verification, with the most common modern software
(using web services and system interfaces).
The public sale of Tokens, scheduled for early September 15, 2018, is characterized by the following:
Pre Sale: September 15, 2018
Public: October 15, 2018
The end of Token Sale: December 15, 2018
Maximum number of VIDT tokens: 100,000,000
Cost of VIDT: $ 0.20
Soft cap: $ 1,000,000
Hard cap: $ 8,000,000
The price of the token must be high enough to cover the operating costs
of the V-ID, including the commission for the transaction Ethereum and
Economy of the token