OPP OPEN WIFI – A World without Borders

Currently, data service providers have no way to ensure that their subscribers have access to the service when they are out of network coverage areas. This means that although the subscribers have paid for this service, they sometimes cannot access it because they are out of reach of the providers’ service area and some of these providers have no collaborative arrangements to ensure worldwide coverage. Most times, subscribers pay again for data service even though they were unable to exhaust the previous ones thereby wasting resources.

OPP OPEN WIFI have developed home/business technology, mobile applications, and routers, which allows our Host Hotspots to share and monetize unused data. Host Hotspot decides how much-unused data they like to contribute. Our application will activate the hotspot function on their handset and create a Wi-Fi Hotspot called OPP OPEN WIFI. This is entirely safe, freely accessible and open to anyone nearby who needs it.

OPP Open WiFi is a community driven service with the sole purpose of creating a global, free to access open WiFi hotspot network and rewarding each contributor for being a part of our cause.
The OPP open global hotspot provides a secure source of WIFI enabling users to access WIFI from a pool of contributors. This way, excess data that could have been wasted are efficiently utilized by members who may sometimes be at locations where they would not have access to internet. Registered users who are “hotspot hosts” are given codes that give them access to dashboards where they indicate how much data they are willing to donate, the number of devices they would use and the limit of ads they would like to access.

The Open WiFi OPP will use blockchain technology to incentivize people to become Hotspot Hosts to help build free, open and safe access to free decentralized WiFi hotspots that will have a positive effect on the daily lives of hundreds of millions of people. Host Hotspots are ordinary people who pay for cellular data, pay for WiFi access in their homes or at work.

The team have developed our system for businesses, residential areas, and when traveling with our mobile application. You plug in our router WiFi Host to their existing internet router and turn it on. Our Hotspot box will only create a gateway to the internet that can be accessed through social media logins or registration forms.
  • Home Router
For residential areas, easy to install, just attach to your existing broadband router. This router has a range of 25 metres. Once plugged in guest users will be able to choose OPP Open WiFi. The advertising space will be shared with our advertising partners and the OPP Open WiFI app.
  • Business Router
Ideal for restaurants , hotels or any retail / leisure venue. It can be used with multiple access points for greater coverage. This is preconfigured and only needs to be plugged into the existing broadband router. An OPP Open WiFi SSID will be visible to guests. The login page is shared for venue branding and the advertising of the OPP Open WiFi app.
  • Access Point / Router
Can be used as a standalone router or with the business router for greater coverage of WiFi signal. Can also be wall or ceiling mounted.

OPP have created a cryptocurrency token with which they will pay their WiFi Hotspot Hosts, this token can be used to make purchases on Amazon or be converted into Pounds, Euros or USD.
OPP community can exchange tokens from their dashboard and use the value in a number of ways. Each time a member exchanges tokens OPP will make a commission on the transaction.
Each OPP Hotspot host will select the number and frequency of advertising messages they wish to receive. These messages will take the form of “push notifications”. Hotspot users will also see advertising messages as they log on the hotspot.
OPP advertisers will be billed for each push notification that they send and for each banner advert that is shown to hotspot users.

In order to become a Hotspot Host you need to register and then download our mobile app or request a home / business router from our website. The first 100,000 routers will be provided completely free of charge.

Our app will activate the mobile hotspot function on the Hotspot Host’s smart device and “OPP OPEN WIFI” will be made available to people in the vicinity. The Hotspot Host decides how much data to donate. The system is totally secure for both the Hotspot Host and the guest user.
If using home or work Wi-Fi, then simply plug our router into the existing device. This will create a second hotspot called “OPP OPEN WIFI”. Again, the Hotspot Host decides how much data to donate.

Hotspot Hosts only need to make the data available for one hour each day to satisfy the smart contract and trigger payment. Payments are made on a daily basis. We will pay for each device that you use to contribute to the Global Network.

Our network of Wi-Fi hotspot provides secure and safe internet access for everyone who needs it. No password, no contract, no cost. Access to the hotspot is not anonymous, it encourages only responsible use. In fact, illegal or immoral use is denied at the source.
In exchange for providing this high-quality secure facility, users will benefit from relevant and focused advertising designed to enhance their lifestyle and online experience.
The advertising is not intrusive. In the case of business hotspots, the advertising will be aimed at promoting that venue. For domestic hotspots, the advertising will be to promote further growth of our network, or perhaps a local food delivery enterprise – Simple and practical.
Every Hotspot user will be given the opportunity to join our program and therefore the opportunity to receive payment for viewing notifications from our affiliate partners.

The app will share WiFi. Hosts will be able to decide how much data to share from their monthly allowance from their
control panel. They will also be able to choose to receive push notifications. Guests will have easy access to the internet, we will share advertising space with our partners and the OPP Open WiFi app.
ICO/ITO are a new way for business to raise funds. Our aim will be to raise $40 Million from token sale and ITO (initial token offering). These funds will be used to buy the hardware, develop the technology, support our stakeholders, fund our day to day operations, marketing and staffing so that we can build a network of 1 million Hosted WiFi Hotspots within 12 months of going live and 25 million within 4 years. Please see the White Paper for a detailed explanation.
At the token sale, there will be 142 million tokens for Founders and Investors available at discounts ranging from 50% to 10% depending on how early the token purchase is made.
The sale of OPP tokens will include a bonus structure that incentivizes early participants, starting with pre-sale investors.

The bonus schedule is as follows:
  • Stage 1 (July 1 – July 22): 40%
  • Stage 2 (July 23 – July 29): 35%
  • Stage 3 (July 30 – August 5): 30%
  • Stage 4 (August 6 – August 12): 25%
  • Stage 5 (August 13 – August 19): 20%
  • Stage 6 (August 20 – August 26): 15%
  • Stage 7 (August 27 – September 2): 10%
  • Stage 8 (September 3 – September 9): 5%
  • Stage 9 (September 10 – September 14): 2.5%
for more token information follow link bellow:
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