About StealthCrypto StealthGrid is building a decentralized global meshed network–StealthCrypto that adopts the sharing economy model for network access, creating communications that provide an economic incentive that allows users to share the unused data storage, bandwidth, or mine for profit. Monetizing the free exchange of data storage and bandwidth, via a secondary market, allows for free market forces to drive network growth where it is most needed.
Quantum Cyber Security for a new age of
communications – We are developing the largest decentralized,
incentivized, self-sustainable, quantum mesh network based on blockchain
technology. Using proprietary, end-to-end Dynamic Split Encryption,
Dynamic Split GeoDistribution”, and quantum number generation, quantum
key distribution and authentication. The Ultimate in Quantum Secure
Cryptography for data protection, as well as blockchain, communications,
smart city platforms, IoT and banking. The Team is creating a single
Quantum Secure Digital Identity (QSDI) ecosystem that will be far
superior than any existing ID systems, that is secure, private and
available on demand.
StealthCrypto and the Stealth Grid
development team prides ourselves on strong technical expertise and
unique market knowledge, with 2/3 of employees working in R&D,
including an international team of security experts and a number of
world renowned cryptographers.
Solution offered
STEALTHGRID is offering to build a
decentralised network for encrypted communication in the world.
Improving efficiency and reducing cost by decentralising the meshed
network is one of the core aims of the platform. StealthCrypto is
utilised for the development of an economic model that is shared between
each participant of the global network. Data is stored on the
decentralised network thereby creating a security layer for data
integrity. There are multiple features available on the platform and a
few of them are summarised below.
- STELATHGRID's STEALTH Cloud will allow easy integration of the existing security models on the platform
- STEALTHCRYPTO is utilised for the development of economic incentive for the participants on the platform
- Quantum Blockchain security solution is developed for the security of data on the platform, and a few of the solutions presented are quantum key generation and quantum key distribution etc.
Stealth Cryptophone will be developed
which will operate independently based on the decentralised mesh
networks. They are offering total quantum security solution for the data
and communication. And, many of the products are ready for the market,
such as Stealth Cloud, digital wallet and Stealth Crypto instant
messaging etc.
The main goal of the Stealth Grid is to
simplify the most secure, reliable, modern, advanced decentralized,
autonomous cryptography and encryption technologies and make them
available to everyone. Stealth Grid is the first network to adopt
blockchain for real-time communication networks and industrial usage. By
joining the Stealth Grid eco-network, you can do whatever you did
before - have chats, calls, photo/video and document exchange, without
having to worry about security and confidentiality issues in your
virtual world, regardless of whether your communication is for personal
or business purposes. That is why we call the company Stealth Grid
Living stealth in the digital grid.
StealthCrypto Trust Centers (TC's), or
NAS systems, offer a true peer-to-peer communication and data storage
that can be embedded on a chip and can be configured for cross-domain
secure communication, between stand-alone Trust Centers or StealthCrypto
Cloud NAS servers. In this way, it's social by design. Stealth Grid
products and solutions are based on the underlying thought of creating
an eco-system of safe interaction for consumers as well as business
customers. Business opportunities today are diverse. Stealth Grid
intends to be positioned as a pioneer, a global influencer, and a
thought leader regarding blockchain usage for cyber-security purposes.
The Team is in the concluding segments
of building a safe phone that will generate some major meshed network
for storing data, mining, communiqué, authentication, and
telecommunications. The genuineness is that in a hyper-connected world,
data and privacy are not safe. A rapid increase in connectivity through
technologies such as the internet, social networking, devices and
smartphones has caused a dramatic change in our ability to share
Details of the sale of the token


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