About StealthCrypto
cybersecurity for a new age of communication We are developing a
decentralized network of quantum cells, stimulating, stable, based on
blockchain technology.
the help of copyright, Dynamic Split Encryption from one moment to
another, Dynamic Split GeoDistribution ™ is also the generation of
quantum numbers, the distribution of quantum keys and authentication.
in quantum secure cryptography for data protection, as well as
blocking, communication, intelligent city platform, IOT and banking.
team created the Quantum Secure Digital Identity (QSDI) ecosystem,
which far exceeds the existing identification systems, safe,
confidential and available on demand.
Business model
has the expertise and knowledge to protect your data with a new
generation of security technologies with upgraded circuits to meet new
and growing threats.
Network encryption offers long-term data security, as well as the creation of quantum keys and volume keys
In addition to offering more efficient transactions, StealthCrypto can also be used as secure data storage. Data is a very important asset in the online world. Data theft is one of the biggest problems for internet users. Internet users need secure data storage media. Users need storage media that can not be known to anyone. The storage media currently controls many components. All data and activities of internet users are always monitored by different parties (with their own interests).
Some people do not care about their data on the internet, they assume that data is only data and that nothing is missing. They
only change their perception of the data when something happens, for
example when someone else kidnaps his social media account.
A lack of knowledge about data is due to a lack of respect for online data. StealthCrypto increases the value of your user data through rewards. People tend to appreciate something when they are respected. Like data, users will enjoy more of their data if others like it.
Many people start using online storage media to store important data such as company data and work files. Data such as these are of course very important because it concerns the interests of many people. However StealthCrypto believes that all data is important. That is why the platform is immediately rewarded by sending cryptographic coins.
StealthCrypto does not store it on a centralized server, but stores it on multiple independent servers. All information will be stored on another server. This is done to minimize losses due to possible data theft. StealthCrypto realizes that, as with any other security system, there is always a gap for hackers.
StealthCrypto realizes that all technologies created by people always have weaknesses; Just a matter of time. StealthCrypto
does not want to be a company that offers a brilliant concept of all
the advantages of blockchain and cryptocurrency, they want more.
Details token sale
Original price per token:
$ 0.50 USD
Target target increase amount:
$ 200,000,000 USD
(200,000,000 QMN Tokens Stage 1)
Min. Amount to purchase:
$ 500 USD

ICO Roadmap
Quantum Cyber Security solutions
Q1 2018 (projected)
of uniform blockchain peer-to-peer communication products with IM,
cloud storage and file sharing, e-mail, voice and video conferencing
using Dynamic Split Encryption, Dynamic GeoDistribution, authentication
and our proprietary Quantum cybersecurity technology.
Stealth Crypto Distributed Network - Quantum Meshed Network
Q2 2018 (projected)
StealthCrypto® advanced peer-to-peer cloud storage network would
implement end-to-end dynamic split encryption and dynamic
geo-distributed models with disruptive authentication algorithms using
quantum number generators of decentralized IBE key distribution via
blockchain. In addition, our StealthCrypto® telephone starts.
Qubit Blockchain development and testing
Q3 2018 (projected)
Develop and test Qubit Blockchain for implementation in our Quantum Mesh network
technological acquisitions and file patents for Qubit Blockchain and
develop channel partners and agnostic StealthCrypto® software and
Launch of Qubit Blockchain
Q4 2018 (projected)
Start Qubit Blockchain for use within the Stealth Grid technologies, the StealthCrypto® ecosystem and the Quantum Mesh network
Qubit Exchange starts
Q2 2019 (projected)
Start Qubit Exchange and develop an Alt coin for the exchange.